शनिवार, 23 मार्च 2013


-It is a matter of fact that in most parts of mountain 
regions within Himalaya, the agriculture is sub marginal except in rare small pockets of fertile valley land. Because of further division of already very small land holding the return from agriculture is on decline. It is progressively and miserably failing to full time employment and adequate income to the rising population. Therefore, migration from the rural areas of mountain is motivated largely by economic pressure and better amenities and facilities in urban areas. Due to this reason the women of the rural areas are backbone and very hub of agriculture practices. This process has to be arrested in the larger interest of nation. Any strategy of development must necessarily taken into account the living condition of the local populace. Ergo we must also cum diverting surplus population from traditional agriculture practice by alternative gainful employment what striving for rational utilization of the biodiversity and rapid all round development. Therefore, in this connection the cultivation of promising MAPs will not only yield far-reaching lucrative results but will also prove a vital point in creating job opportunities as well as uplifting the socio-economic condition of the mountain people.

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